Board Member Self-Assessment

Rubric for effective and equity-minded school board leadership

This rubric is our attempt to describe the critical journey towards effective and equity-focused leadership in a way that we believe will dramatically increase the opportunity for our nation’s children of color to thrive and self-actualize.

This rubric was created after a year of working with our School Board Partners fellows and mentors in order to understand the current state of our nation’s school boards and what is necessary to finally close our country’s opportunity gap.

We expect this rubric to change and improve over time as we learn alongside you. We plan to supplement it with specific examples, policies and templates as they are created. If you have suggestions or comments on this rubric, please email Thank you for engaging with this concept, and thank you to the SBP fellows and mentors who provided feedback.

In many cases you will not fit perfectly into a level. Each of these areas are complex and nuanced, and this rubric is meant to be illustrative, not comprehensive.